Thursday, March 20, 2008

My Second post

Dumb Title? Yea, I know. My monologue today, will deal with absurdities and only that. So, all you neat sissies can stop right here.Period.

Women enjoy violence. Ah yes, they enjoy screaming in agony as much as men enjoy listening to them. Weird? But true. They may get all fussy and prissy about it...but hey, they manage to sit/stand/watch/endure the entire thing and later crib about.(Something similar to binging...never been able to figure that one completely tho) OH they fantasize all about it and think of getting laid the next instant.

I listen to Raghu Dixit crooning in his latest single about a second opportunity to live life again.("Hey bhagwan mujkho tu...zindagi dobara.." awesome track tho) I mean, like shit. Who doesn't want to? We all want to right our wrongs...or do we? Perhaps write our wrongs would make more sense to me.

Picture this-
I am walking in a deserted filthy road that seems devoid of anything but rubbish.(I am talking about's where Chennai landfill and garbage dumps are located) office is right opposite to one of these beauties. I arm myself against the advent of hot sun, the dust and pollution and the really-icky- variety-of-rubbish smell.... when viola... I see a sun-burnt lassie- with no footwear in tattered garb carrying a pot of water and a bag of groceries. I guessed she belonged to the group ofday-time laborers who were involved in the construction of a mosque (in the middle of nowhere?)...I felt like shit. (very becoming of my workplace?...true) She inspired me.Literally. A rare made feel thankful for what i have and ah well, what I shall be blessed with (eventually!!)

I see absurd movies, weirder people, colorful language...and life's getting better.

Disclaimer: This post was never meant to convey how jobless i have become.


Elvisraja said...

We all want to right our wrongs...or do we? Perhaps write our wrongs would make more sense to me.

haha..thats true!
Hey, post-by-post you are getting obsessed with that filthy road!

krishna said...

all this has been around for ages and you noticed it just now. welcome. u may complain but leave it to the politicans to sort out the disparity. am no different, but i've learnt to look at the better part of life. the ppl you are mentioning have lives that are no better than those of stray dogs or cattle. you are in the transition. this won't get better but you will learn to move on.

Reva said...

@ Elvis
True man. When I got used to it, They switch me to nowhere and map me to nothing.